Tuesday, March 24, 2009

and it begins?

and then there was that time that I tried to write a blog.

it feels a bit revealing...or awkward...or narcissistic...or pressure laden.

then I remind myself...who cares?

so I just start writing...my thoughts I guess. hmmm...something funny to say....nope. something profound...maybe later.

the end.

oh where oh where has my little mind gone...

Sometimes I wish I could lose my mind. like..completely. then I'd have justification for all my negligence, lost thoughts, indecisiveness, etc.

My bed is made but my mind is cluttered. My closet is organized but my fridge is empty. My sociallizing is prolific but my "me" time is non-existant. Coffee is good...but it gives me jitters. Sleep is refreshing but I find it boring. I crave structure but don't you think it's stifling?

Well rounded, dynamic, multi-faceted, confusing, undecided, non-commital...oh which one is it?
Can I just run away for a little bit? Throw responsibilty and self-understanding to the wind.... return with no questions asked...

don't be confused by me, I'm already confused enough.